An Industry Leader since 1978...

KNS is your source for efficient, economical and effective herd management, made possible through a combination of science and real world experience. Since the beginning, KNS Animal Nutrition has been a leader in utilizing chelated minerals to produce the highest quality custom blended minerals available in the marketplace. Proudly based in Nancy, KY, the Michael and Julie Peterson family are active in the livestock industry and in their community.

Michael is not only the Owner at KNS, he is also your resource for on farm consulting and ration formulation. Please feel free to contact him at for any questions you may have regarding the nutritional needs of your farm animals.

Starting in 2019, KNS was the primary sponsor of the KJCA Fall Classic, which is hosted by the the amazing team at the KY Junior Cattleman’s Association and held each fall for the young cattleman in KY. It is a combination of educational contests and cattle shows. Below is a video depiction of the 2019 show.

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