Premium Chelated Minerals for Beef and Dairy Cattle. Pasture, parlor or show ring, we have the products to meet your needs.
Deer Power Mineral (25lb) Call to Order
Deer Power Mineral (25lb) Call to Order
KNS DEER POWER MINERAL is probably one of the best kept secrets in the wildlife world. We have been manufacturing Deer Power for over 20 years and it’s been the “Secret Product” for our local deer enthusiasts. However just like anything else it’s hard to keep a secret forever and over the past several years DEER POWER is making a name for itself, all by itself, through unremarkable results. At KNS, Inc. we are a family owned company and we manufacture all of our Mineral and Vitamin products in house and have been in business for over 33 years. Since we manufacture our own products they are guaranteed fresh. Many products are manufactured by another company and then are stored in warehouses and storage units where the mineral can actually begin to breakdown or deteriorate.
Deer require a number of dietary mineral elements for normal bodily maintenance, growth, and reproduction. Minerals that are required in relatively large amounts are called major or macro elements. Those needed in small amounts are classified as micro, minor, or trace minerals. These terms, however, have no relationship to the metabolic importance of a mineral in the diet. A trace mineral can be as essential to the health and performance of an animal as a major mineral. The major minerals include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine and sulfur. Among those needed in trace amounts are iron, zinc, manganese, copper, iodine, cobalt and selenium.
Another huge, advantage you will have by using DEER POWER MINERAL is that we have NOVUS’ Zinc Metal Amino Acid Chelated organic trace element which greatly improves the bioavailability of zinc to the deer for maximum utilization. Zinc is a major element in tissue damage repair and antler growth and development.
Comes in a 25lb bucket.